1) I have known my best friend ......1999. a) for b) since c) from d) in 2) I ...... in London from 2001 to 2009. a) have lived b) lived c) live d) have been living 3) I have had this car .......2 years a) for b) since c) from d) next 4) I ....... in a bank ten years ago. a) have worked b) work c) worked d) have been working 5) They ..... together since they were schoolmates. a) have been playing b) play c) played d) are playing 6) He ....three novels, and he is writing his next one now. a) wrote b) has written c) writes d) write 7) How many times ......the queen? a) did he met b) has he met c) he met d) does he meet 8) I have had a headache .......8 o'clock. a) for b) since c) from d) at 9) How long ........a member of Parliament? a) is he b) has he been c) were he d) does he 10) I .... to Norway last week. a) gone b) have been c) was d) went 11) Look! He ... his leg! a) broke b) has broken c) has been breaking d) breaks 12) What ... yesterday? a) has happened b) is happening c) has been happened d) happened 13) Who ... with since 3 o’clock? a) have you been talking b) have talked c) did you talk d) has been talking 14) He ... his homework since last Sunday. a) hasn’t done b) didn’t do c) has been done d) have done 15) I ... my homework yet. a) haven't done b) hasn't done c) didn't do d) haven't been doing

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