1) If you had to lose one of your senses(sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste) which would you rather lose? 2) Would you rather marry someone plain with a good personality or someone beautiful without much personality? 3) Would you rather be a boy or a girl? 4) When do you prefer to study, in the morning, afternoon or evening? 5) Would you rather....? 6) Do you prefer sweet food or salty food? 7) Do you prefer breakfast, lunch, or dinner? 8) Would you rather spend time alone or spend time with others? 9) Would you rather....? 10) Would you rather love and not be loved back, or be loved but never love? 11) Would you rather eat a small amount of cat food or eat 6 whole lemons? 12) Would you rather be missing one finger or have an extra toe? 13) Would you prefer to...? 14) Would you rather drink 1L of ketchup or 1L of mustard? 15) Do you prefer...? 16) What do you prefer more getting or giving presents? 17) Do you prefer taking risks or playing it safe?  18) Do you prefer spending or saving money? 19) Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 50 years with many regrets? 20) Would you rather find a soul mate or find a million dollars? 21) Would you rather...? 22) Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death? 23) Would you rather travel to the past or to the future? 24) Do you prefer to go out for dinner or eat a takeaway? 25) What do you prefer...? 26) Would you rather date someone who’s very reserved or someone who’s too outgoing? 27) Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret? 28) Do you prefer...?

Would you rather / prefer...?



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