shift - Closed Syllable-A syllable where the vowel is followed by a consonant and the vowel is short., go - Open Syllable - A syllable where the vowel is NOT followed by a consonant and the vowel is long., skate - Silent E Syllable - A syllable where the vowel is followed by a consonant and a silent e. The vowel is long. , smart - R-Controlled Vowel Syllable- A syllable where the vowel is followed by an "r" and the vowel is neither short or long but controlled by the "r"., boat - Vowel Team Syllable - A syllable with two vowels together and that make a long vowel sound., pound - Diphthong Syllable - A syllable where two vowels together make a new sliding sound., bubble - Consonant-le Syllable- A stable final syllable where the consonant is followed by -le and has a hidden vowel sound. ,


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