If you could see into the future, what's one thing you want to know about?, Would you rather have no WiFi for the rest of your life, or have to listen to the same song forever?, What is your favorite way to eat a potato?, What song is stuck in your head?, Do you believe in aliens?, What is your all-time favorite movie?, Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter?, What secret superpower would you have?, What do you want to be doing in 10 years?, Would you rather say everything on your mind or never speak again?, Would you rather lose your keys or lose your cell phone?, Choose a famous person for your zombie apocalypse team., What's the story behind your phone background?, If you were a late-night host, who would be your first guest? , What's your favorite sandwich and why?, If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?, What fictional family would you want to be a member of?, Is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not?, Would you rather trade places with your parents or your teacher for the day?, What's the proper way to make a PB and J?, What color of the rainbow is the worst? why?, What's the biggest fib you ever told when you were little?, Would rather have a lifetime supply of gum or mints?, If you were in a cartoon, which one would you pick?, If you could have a celebrity as your parent, who would you pick? Why?, What is a silly fear you have?, What is the first song you learned all the words to?, Early Bird or Night Owl?, If you could invite 3 famous people to dinner, who would you pick?, If you had to have the same meal every night for dinner for the rest of your life, what would pick?, What is the best kind of donut?, Which sport is the best to watch but not play?, What is the perfect weather for you?, Would you rather be an only child or have 15 siblings?, Would rather share a room in a mansion or have your own room in a tiny house?, What is your least favorite smell?, What's the corniest joke you know?, If you have a magic homework machine that would do your work for only one class, which would you pick?, If you could take a class on anything, what would take?, Would rather clean the bathroom or do the dishes?, What is your favorite movie snack?, What vegetable best represents you?, What commericial/ advertisement is the most annoying?, Would rather visit the moon or Mars?, Would rather be able to see things that were 100 miles away or hear something that was a 100 miles away?, If you had to be stuck in an animated Disney movie, which would you pick?, What's your favorite type of pizza? (place or toppings), What is one of your favorite memories from elementary school?, What's one thing you think would make Hickman better?, What is something you're really good at doing that other people might not know? Share your secret talent or hobby!.

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