1) Do you need ... from the supermarket? a) anything b) nothing 2) I knocked on the door but ... answered! a) anyone b) no one 3) ... is ready. Thank you so much for your help a) Everything b) Anything 4) I am not going ... tonight. I'm staying in. a) nowhere b) anywhere 5) At the end of the film ... was in tears. a) everyone b) anyone 6) I'm looking for my watch but I can't find it ... a) somewhere b) anywhere 7) John is ... in France. I am not sure where he is. a) somewhere b) everywhere 8) I've got ... for you. It's a letter from your mom. a) anything b) something 9) ... told me that this restaurant is very good. a) Anyone b) Someone 10) There is ... I like in this shop. a) anything b) nothing


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