What time _____ you ____ (go) to bed last night?, We _____ (not / be) to the cinema for 3 weeks., I ________ (not/pay) my electricity bill yet., She ________ (know) her husband since she was a child., My flight to London ______ (cost) 50 Euros. It was a great holiday., It ______ (rain) last week., Mark ________ (be) sick since Sunday., Where ___you___ (go) last night? To the cinema., _____you_____ (buy) your new car yet?, ______ you ______ (see) any good films recently?, We _______ (have/not) mobile phones when I was young., We ____ (go) on holiday 3 times last year., We ________ (get married) a year ago., Last night, I ______ (be) very tired so I _______ (go) to bed very early., How does Netflix work? No idea! I ______ (never / use) it., Oh no! We have missed the bus. It _____ (leave) early. Ten minutes ago., I _____ (do) a lot of work last week., I ______ (not/go) abroad last summer., So nice to see you again! We __________ (not/see) each other for ages!,  I ______ (lose) my keys in the park yesterday.,  What time _____ you finish your home work yesterday?, I'm enjoying my holiday. I _____________ (not/have) any problems so far., How was your weekend? It _______ (be) fine..

Past Simple and Present Perfect



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