When ____ you ____ back from ____? Two days ____, It ____ a great ____. What ____ of food ____ you ____ there? We ____ noodles, but we ____ ____ any bugs or scorpions. ____ you ____ lots of ____? ____, I did. I ____ so many ____ places I couldn't ____ taking photos. What ____ ____ Jubiscleide ____ home? Susan ____ home ____ 6 in the ____. How ____ Susete ____ to the ____? ____ parents ____ her ____ the ____. ____ her ____ at the ____ when she ____ there? What ____ ____ Mila ____ up? When she ____ up her ____ ____ there. ____ Margaret ____ her luggage? Yes, ____ did. I ____ to Australia every year.I ____ to Australia last week. I ____ my homework every day.I ____ my homework yesterday. I ____ a sandwich last night.I ____ ____ a sandwich today. ____ you ____ a pizza last ____? No, I ____. We ____ ____ this morning but I ____ drink ____. We ____ lots of ____ from my last ____. It ____ fantastic!



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