1) Melting of ice is a _____________ change a) Physical & reversible b) Chemical & irreversible c) Both 2) Rusting of iron produces a new substance called__________ a) Iron b) Iron oxide c) oxygen ferroid 3) Iron added to copper sulphate solution changes its colour to________ a) blue b) pink c) green 4) WE get bubbles on mixing baking soda with vinegar as _____ gas is evolved a) Carbon dioxide b) Hydrogen c) Oxygen 5) Lime water turns milky on passsing CO2 as________ is formed a) Carbon carbonate b) Calcium carbonate c) Calcium hydroxide 6) On burning Magnesium ribbon in air___________ substance is formed a) magnum b) magnesium hydroxide c) magnesium oxide 7) The process covering iron with layer of zinc or chromium is called___________ a) Metallization b) Galvanization c) Oxidation 8) Use of LPG for cooking involves __________ change a) Chemical b) physical c) Both physical and chemical

Class 7 Ch-6


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