1) There is water in the ... a) jug b) bottle c) mug d) cup 2) There is ... in the glass. a) water b) milk c) juice d) tea 3) There ... cakes on the plate. a) is b) are c) isn't d) aren't 4) There ... apples in the ... a) are/plate b) is/box c) aren't/plate d) are/box 5) There ... cheese on the plate. a) are b) isn't c) is d) not 6) There are ... in the ... a) apples/box b) apples/basket c) pears/plate d) pears/basket 7) There ... sweets in the... a) are/bag b) is/box c) aren't/bag d) isn't/basket 8) There ... bread in the basket. a) are b) isn't c) is d) not 9) ... are bananas ... the box. a) There/on b) They/under c) There/in d) They/not 10) There are ... on the ... a) bread/plate b) sandwiches/bread c) sandwiches/plate d) bread/box

There is/are + food, English World 2


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