1) Which of these would be an isotope of this element? a) b) c) 2) Which of these is the best explanation for the radius of a typical nucleus being around 1.5fm? a) The electrostatic force is least repulsive at this range b) The strong nuclear force is most attractive at this range c) The weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force act to oppose the electrostatic force 3) Which of these is not an example of beta decay? a) b) c) 4) Which of these facts is correct? a) Protons and electrons have approximately equal rest masses b) Protons and neutrons have approximately equal rest masses c) Neutrinos and electrons have approximately equal rest masses 5) When a particle and its antiparticle collide, what happens? a) The annihilate each other if they have the right amount of energy b) They annihilate to produce photons with energy corresponding to their masses and kinetic energies c) They rebound off one another with slightly reduced kinetic energy 6) Which of these is not a property of W bosons? a) They mediate the weak nuclear force b) They have non-zero rest mass c) They are uncharged 7) What is the correct equation for this Feynman diagram? a) b) c) 8) Which of these is true? a) Neutrinos are leptons b) Protons are mesons c) Pions are leptons 9) What is the quark combination for a neutron? a) uud b) udd c) udu 10) What is the total baryon number on each side of the arrow in this equation? a) 0 b) +1 c) -1 11) Is this a possible interaction? π- + p --> n + p a) Yes b) No 12) What is missing from this decay? μ- --> νμ + e- a) anti νe b) νμ c) νe d) anti νμ

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