1) Redox reaction can be defined as...... a) A chemical reaction which involves evaporation b) A chemical reaction where oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously c) A chemical reaction where only reduction occur or vice versa d) A physical reaction involving heat transfer e) A physical reaction which involves the mixing of electrolytes f) A chemical reaction that happens between two solutions 2) In a redox reaction, as oxidation occurs, it gains a) carbon dioxide b) hydrogen c) electrons d) oxygen 3) As reduction occurs in a redox reaction, it loses a) oxygen b) hydrogen c) electrons d) carbon monoxide 4) In an oxidation process, the oxidation number a) decreases b) increases c) maintain the same d) unknown 5) In which reaction does the loss of electrons occur? a) Reduction b) Oxidation 6) Zinc can displace Copper from its salt solution because Zinc is a) more electropositive than copper b) more electronegative than copper c) heavier than copper d) thicker than copper 7) Which of the following is true about voltaic cells? a) Converts electrical energy to chemical energy b) Also known as an electrolytic cells c) Converts chemical energy to electrical energy d) Electron flows from the positive terminal (anode) to the negative terminal (cathode) 8) Conductors a) changes the colour of solutions b) can conduct electricity in a solid-state c) undergo chemical changes d) cannot conduct electricity in molten state 9) substances that can conduct electricity in either molten or aqueous solution and undergoes chemical changes is known as a) electrolytes b) non-electrolytes c) conductors d) semi- electrolytes 10) In an electrolytic cell, the energy changes from chemical energy to electrical energy. a) False b) True c) Partially true 11) In a Galvanic cell, the positive terminal is known as________, while the negative terminal is known as the ___________. a) cathode, anode b) anode, cathode c) anion, cation d) cation, anion 12) Electroplating is the electrolytic process used to a) prepare metal for water absorption b) coat one metal with another metal c) change the shape of the metal d) increase the corrosion percentage 13) Alloying, sacrificial protection and galvanisation are the ways to a) extract a metal from its ore b) prepare an electrolytic cell c) compare between voltaic and electrolytic cell d) prevent rusting of metals 14) Oxygen always has an oxidation number of a) -1 b) -2 c) 2 d) 1 15) What element always has an oxidation number of -1 a) Fluorine b) Iodine c) Hydrogen d) Chlorine 16) What is lost or gained in a redox reaction? a) protons b) atoms c) electrons d) ions 17) In a reaction, Copper is reduced. The number of electrons has a) Remain constant b) Increased c) Varies randomly d) Decreased 18) What is the oxidation number of Fe in FeO a) -2 b) +2 c) +1 d) 0 19) __________ is a substance that oxidises another substance. a) Oxidising agent b) Conductors c) Reducing agents d) Electrolytes 20) Which of the following is not true about electrolytic cells? a) Electrical energy changes to chemical energy b) Cation receives electrons from the cathode c) Anode is the positive terminal d) Chemical energy changes to electrical energy

Chemistry Form 5 KSSM Syllabus : Chapter 1 Redox Reaction



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