1) Identify the name of the device a) Modern Abacus b) Ancient Abacus c) Punch Card d) Slide Rule 2) Identify the name of the device a) Difference Engine b) Ancient Abacus c) Slide Rule d) Punch Card 3) The ___________ was built by John Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert a) Analytical Engine b) Ancient Abacus c) EDVAC d) ENIAC 4) Identify the name of the device a) Punch Card b) ENIAC c) MARK I d) EDVAC 5) Identify the name of the device a) Difference Engine b) Punch Card c) Analytical Engine d) Slide Rule 6) _______ used punch cards in the American Census for the first time a) Herman Hollerith b) Charles Babbage c) Blaise d) Jacquard 7) Identify the name of the device a) Analytical Engine b) Punch Card c) Abacus d) Difference Engine 8) Identify the name of the device a) Modern Abacus b) Analytical Engine c) Difference Engine d) Punch Card 9) The _________ was one of the earliest calculating devices. a) Computer b) Abacus c) Colossus d) Mark I 10) Identify the name of the device a) Mark I b) Punch Card c) ENIAC d) EDVAC




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