1) Headache a) Go to the dentist b) Drink water c) Rest 2) Toothache a) Go to the dentist b) Wear a mask c) Go to the doctor 3) Allergies a) Drink water b) Wear a mask c) Go to the dentist 4) Cough a) Relax b) Exercise c) Wear a mask 5) Toothache a) drink water b) exercise c) eat healthy d) go to the doctor 6) stomachache a) go to the dentist b) go to the doctor c) eat healthy d) exercise 7) Sore throat a) exercise b) rest c) drink water d) Go to the dentist 8) The flu a) Exercise b) Go to the doctor c) Rest 9) Cold a) Drink water b) Go to the dentist c) Exercise 10) High blood pressure a) Wear a mask b) Go to the dentist c) Eat healthy

Health problems and giving advice


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