1) Ends a sentence a) Period . b) Comma , c) Semicolon ; d) Colon : 2) marks contractions and possessive nouns a) Quotation Mark " b) Question Mark ? c) Apostrophe ' d) Parenthesis () 3) defines a person's handles for internet usage a) Exclamation Point ! b) Dollar sign $ c) Numerical sign # d) Tag Symbol @ 4) Signifies a question a) Colon : b) Question Mark ? c) Forward Slash / d) Comma , 5) marks lists, prepositions, pauses, and conjunctions a) Period . b) Apostrophe ' c) Comma ,  d) Colon : 6) connects two sentences/marks lists, ratios, and comparisons a) Colon : b) Dollar sign $ c) Parenthesis () d) Numerical sign # 7) marks clarification a) Numerical sign # b) Exclamation point ! c) Parenthesis () d) Quotation mark " 8) can replace a conjunction/connects two sentences a) Semicolon ; b) Colon : c) Quotation Marks " d) Forward Slash / 9) signifies a contrast to at least two subject a) Forward Slash / b) Apostrophe ' c) Exclamation Point ! d) Parenthesis () 10) marks excitement or exaggeration in tone a) Numerical Sign # b) Colon : c) Forward slash d) Exclamation Point !


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