1) Where is the Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾巴黎鐵塔? a) Italy b) France c) the UK 2) Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa比薩斜塔? a) Italy b) Egypt c) the USA 3) Where is the Statue of Liberty自由女神像? a) the UK b) France c) the USA 4) Where is the Taj Mahal泰姬瑪哈陵? a) India b) Japan c) Thailand 5) Where is St. Basil's Cathedral 聖瓦西里大教堂? a) France b) Russia c) Greece 6) Where is Chichen Itza奇琴伊察,馬雅文化古城? a) Greece b) Mexico c) Brazil 7) Where is Mount Fuji富士山? a) France b) Japan c) Italy 8) Where is Wat Pho臥佛寺? a) France b) Greece c) Thailand 9) Where are the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphnix吉薩大金字塔和人面獅身像? a) Germany b) Brazil c) Egypt 10) Where is the Parthenon帕德嫩神廟? a) Greece b) Egypt c) Italy 11) Where is Big Ben大笨鐘? a) the USA b) the UK c) Canada 12) Where is the Great Wall長城? a) South Korea b) China c) Australia 13) Where is Sydney Opera House雪梨歌劇院? a) Greece b) Egypt c) Australia 14) Where is Christ the Redeemer 基督像? a) Canada b) Japan c) Brazil 15) Where is Taipei 101台北101? a) Taiwan b) Thailand c) Egypt 16) Where is Banff National Park班夫國家公園? a) Canada b) the USA c) Japan 17) Where is Gyeongbokgung Palace景福宮? a) Thailand b) Taiwan c) South Korea 18) Where is CN Tower 國家電視塔(CN塔)? a) the USA b) Canada c) Japan 19) Where is Sun Moon Lake日月潭? a) Taiwan b) China c) Japan 20) Where is the London Eye倫敦之眼? a) the USA b) France c) the UK

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