abnormal - not unusual, not typical, strange, capsize - to turn bottom side up, upset, catastrophe - a large-scale disaster, misfortune, or failure, decrease - (v) to become or make less; (n) a lessening, disputatious - tinslined to argue or debate, evict - to force out of property, flourish - to grow, thrive, be prosperous; (n) a dramatic gesture, incentive - a reason for doing something, insubordinate - disobedient, rebellious, legible - easily read, nub - the central point or heart of a matter, onslaught - a violent attack; a sudden rush of something, ordain - a reason for doing something; something that stimulates action, outstrip - to get ahead of, do better than, exceed, pervade - to spread throughout, prudent - cautious, careful, showing good sense, quench - to put out, extinguish, end, remnant - a small part remaining behind, simultaneous - happening or existing at the same time, swerve - (v) to turn asie sharply; (n) a sharp or sudden turn,

Level 7 Unit 8 vocabulary


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