1) These are apples. They are in the ................... food group. a) Fruit b) Vegetable c) Dairy 2) This is broccoli. It is in the ....................... food group. a) Fruit b) Vegetable c) Meat 3) This is a cupcake. It is in the ................. food group. a) Sweets b) Meat c) Dairy 4) This is bread. It is in the ................... food group. a) Dairy b) Meat c) Grain 5) This is fish. It is in the ......................food group. a) Dairy b) Grain c) Meat 6) This is yoghurt. It is in the .................food group.  a) Grain b) Vegetable c) Dairy 7) This is an ice-cream. It is in the .................... food group.  a) Sweets b) Fruit c) Vegetable 8) This is chicken. It is in the ........................ food group. a) Fruit b) Vegetable c) Meat 9) This is croissant. It is in the .................... food group. a) Dairy b) Grain c) Vegetable 10) This is an eggplant. It is in the .................... food group.  a) Fruit b) Vegetable c) Grain 11) These are eggs. They are in the .................food group. a) Meat b) Dairy c) Fruit 12) This is milk. It is in the .................food group.  a) Vegetable b) Grain c) Dairy 13) These are cucumbers. They are in the .................food group.  a) Fruit b) Vegetable c) Sweets 14) This is chocolate. It is in the .................food group.  a) Fats and Oils b) Sweets c) Fruit 15) This is olive oil. It is in the .................food group.  a) Grains b) Vegetables c) Fats and Oils


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