den - the hidden home of some types of wild animal, entrepreneur - a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, make a pitch - present something you're trying to sell, contestant - a person who takes part in a competition, intimidating - to subdue or influence (someone) through fear, market - demand; the number of people who want to buy something, convince - to persuade somebody to do something, dread - to be very afraid of something, in exchange for - in return for, strap - a narrow piece of leather, cloth or other material, available - that you can get, buy or find, set up - to create something or start it, untangle - to separate pieces of string, hair, wire, etc. that have become twisted or have knots in them,

English File 4e Intermediate - Lesson 8A - SB Ex. 5/78-79 (Reading: In the Dragons' Den)


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