מַעֲשֶׂה - A story happened, וְהֵבִיאוּ לוֹ - and they brought, לִטְעוֹם - to taste, אֶת הַתַּבְשִׁיל - the cooked food, שְׁתֵּי כוֹתָבוֹת - two dates, וּדְלִי שֶׁל מַיִם - and a pitcher of water, וְאָמְרוּ - and they said, הַעֲלוּם לַסֻּכָּה - bring them up to the sukkah, וּכְשֶׁנָּתְנוּ לוֹ - And when they gave, אֹכֶל - food, פָּחוֹת מִכַּבֵּיצָה - less than the size of an egg, נְטָלוֹ בַמַּפָּה - he took it in a cloth, וַאֲכָלוֹ חוּץ לַסֻּכָּה - and ate it outside the sukkah, וְלֹא בֵרַךְ אַחֲרָיו - and did not make a bracha after it,


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