1) The pollution from cars in the city centre is so bad that people are _____ on the fumes. a) choking b) dropping c) crawling 2) The reason _____ we left early was because we were worried about the traffic. a) why b) what c) how 3) Susie is a real ______ . I’ve never met anyone so lazy! a) bitchy b) slacker c) laid-back 4) The _____ I get really angry about is having to pay so much tax. a) place b) main c) thing 5) Choose the odd one out. a) rinse b) soak c) rip 6) We don’t mind what people do around here. Everybody’s free to express themselves. It’s a case of live and _____. a) let live b) stay alive c) show life 7) In traditional societies young people are expected to _____ to the demands of their families and culture. a) revolve b) interfere c) conform 8) In a recent opinion _____ , the government’s position was shown to be very unpopular. a) poll b) lobby c) petition 9) Scientists _____ the survey to find out about public conceptions of their work. a) reproduced b) carried out c) extracted 10) Researchers ______ a way to measure the amount of gas produced. a) stuck b) undertook c) devised 11) I’d love to tell him what I think, I really _____. a) do b) would c) love 12) Personally, I find Simon terribly _____ . I mean, he clearly thinks he’s cleverer and more talented than anyone else. a) charming b) arrogant c) cynical 13) The way people relate _____ each other is important. a) at b) to c) for 14) When in danger, the creature _____ out a really loud squeal. a) draws b) shouts c) lets 15) The entire experiment was fundamentally _____ . a) error b) flawed c) anomaly 16) I wish you _____ that radio off. Why do we have to listen to football commentaries all afternoon? a) could turn b) had turned c) would turn 17) I didn’t _____ my vote in the last election. I wish I had voted for somebody. a) throw b) cast c) set 18) Crowther's figures simply don't _____ up to scrutiny. a) shift b) set c) stand 19) The crime _____ in the city is awful. Thousands are mugged each year. a) show b) amount c) rate 20) My regrets? Well, I wish I ______ to my friends when they told me not to go out with Roger. a) would listen b) had listened c) listened 21) The _____ cause of the problems remains to be discovered. a) under b) due c) root 22) In the evening, there’s an exciting _____ about the place because the bars and restaurants are popular with students. a) trace b) buzz c) choke 23) It is rude to _____ the mickey out of people wearing historical costumes, even if they do look funny. a) keep b) take c) set 24) Sylvia used to _____ her own skirts when they were torn. The family didn’t have money for new clothes. a) stick  b) mend c) run 25) Jo’s better at lying than most, _____ ? a) hasn't she? b) isn't she? c) has she? 26) So, you want to come with me now, _____ you? a) do b) are c) want 27) I’m more than _____ to help you with the assignment. Just give me a call and we’ll talk it over. a) willing b) wilful c) willed 28) _____ was unacceptable was not what Jo said, but the way she said it. a) thing b) it c) what 29) I suppose I admire Henry’s strong ______ . It’s just frustrating that his views are so different from mine. a) stubborn b) arrogance c) principles 30) What I _____ strange about Karen’s behaviour is the way she looks right past you all the time. a) know b) find c) see 31) The novel _____ important themes of identity and personal crisis. a) treats b) revolves c) deals with 32) The patients all had a rare genetic _____ which may prove fatal in the long term. a) condition b) reproduction c) conditioner 33) What happened next shouldn’t ever _____  happen again. It wasand is a disgrace. a) be allowed b) being allowed c) to be allowed 34) The economy is so strong that new companies are _____ all over the country. a) showing off b) springing up c) coming out 35) What I love most is the _____ everybody gets together and helps each other at this time of year a) way b) how c) thing 36) Choose the odd one out. a) sweep b) wipe c) stain 37) Once, huge herds of bison _____widely across America’s Midwest. a) roamed b) gnawed c) leapt 38) I think theses figures are statistical _____. We can disregard them. a) disabilities b) enemies c) anomalies 39) People like us generally play by the rules, _____ they? a) aren't they b) do they? c) don't they 40) Dan is a real _____ ! He’s always telling annoying jokes and playing tricks on everybody. a) snob b) pain c) cynic 41) There is much greater _____ mobility these days. We can all choose what to study, where to work, and who to marry. a) social b) sociable c) society 42) The film is _____ on a novel of the same name, and more or less follows the plot of the novel. a) set b) based c) rooted 43) I’m pleased Jack’s got himself a job, but I’m also surprised he _____ , to be honest. a) is b) has c) did 44) The disease _____ to be caused by poor-quality drinking water. a) thought b) was thought c) has thought 45) If you _____ any of the liquid on carpets or rugs, don’t worry as it washes out easily. a) stick b) spill c) spread 46) It was a _____ victory! The party won 80% of seats in the new parliament and celebrated wildly! a) landslide b) hollow c) consensus 47) The novel’s main _____ is a young man who has lost his job and his direction in life. a) star b) representative c) protagonist 48) You shouldn't ______ the figures to suit your own preconceptions. a) revolve b) turn c) twist 49) Alleged vote-_____ was not proved, so the result stood and the People’s Party formed the new government. a) striking b) rigging c) lining 50) I don’t have a ticket and neither _____ Sam. a) does b) has c) have 51) Henning Corporation has a _____ interest in the results being shown to be inaccurate. a) vested b) tested c) conflicted 52) A number of _____ need to be taken into consideration before we can reach an accurate interpretation of the data. a) variables b) varieties c) various 53) If only I _____ that dress. I want it more than anything, but it's much too expensive for me. a) would buy b) bought c) could buy 54) I wish I _____ about the terrible sservice, but my wife told me not to bother. a) would complain b) could complain c) had complained 55) Jack _____ tidy up. a) wouldn't help us b) didn't helped us c) not helped us 56) I though the film _____. It was so boring! a) would never end b) never ends c) will never end 57) Take no _____ of Ben. He's just being silly. a) bother b) notice c) ignorance 58) I think Jill has already _____ her mind up. a) decided b) made c) chose 59) Amy is very ambitious. She'll do anything to _____ ahead at work. a) go b) get c) fire 60) You're being too serious. Come on, lighten _____ a little and enjoy the party. a) up b) on c) high 61) I know you are angry, but I think you should _____ down and apologise to Tom. a) bring b) take c) back 62) It's important to _____ up for principlpes you believe in. a) take b) stand c) bring 63) After wiping up the mess, Emma used all her strength to wring out the _____. a) toilet b) cloth c) carpet 64) It's my job to load the _____. a) needle b) dishwasher c) ladder 65) His comments _____ our effort and brought more harm than good. a) discouraged b) undermined c) benefitted 66) Graham is so _____ of himself that he thinks everything he says is really interesting. a) arrogant b) out c) full 67) The comedian was so funny we were all on the floor in _____. a) crying b) hysteria c) stitches 68) The play didn't live up to all the _____. a) hype b) comments c) noise 69) His outrageous behaviour caused a bit of a _____. a) sensation b) scene c) embarrass 70) Bumping into your ex is always a bit _____. a) overwhelming b) yawning c) awkward 71) Liz lived in a run-_____ part of the city where there was both poverty and crime. a) through b) down c) torn 72) I’m sick and _____ of having to commute to work each day. a) tired b) ill c) bored 73) Have you sorted _____ somewhere to stay yet? a) up b) out c) upon 74) Mel and Adam aren’t on speaking _____ . They are really annoyed with each other. a) terms b) forms c) words 75) In some societies, people have _____ touch with traditional ways. a) missed b) failed c) lost 76) Have you _____ the floor yet? a) swept b) spilled c) rinsed 77) Let’s not worry about what happened. There’s no point in crying over spilt _____. a) milk b) beer c) water 78) Hardwick was _____ on trial for murder. a) set b) stood c) put 79) Graffiti artists live on the edge. They can _____ fined heavily for damaging public property. a) have b) get c) make 80) There’s not a _____ of litter anywhere in the park. It’s all been picked up by volunteers. a) track b) trace c) speck 81) After the twins had finished making biscuits, the kitchen was _____ a war zone. a) like b) as c) as if 82) Mark doesn’t _____ his weight at work. He should work harder. a) push b) pull c) put 83) What is the word? It’s on the _____ of my tongue. I just can’t remember it. a) top b) peak c) tip 84) On safari, we saw a lion ______ at the leg of an antelope it had killed. a) snatching b) gnawing c) teething 85) I know the government has only cancelled one research programme, but it’s the thin end of the _____ . Before long, more and more programmes will be cancelled. a) slope b) triangle c) wedge

C1+a revision


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