Is the European Union a good or bad thing for Spain?, Is Spanish cuisine probably the best in the world?, Should we get rid of paper money and go full crypto-currency, Do you think we should eat less meat and eat more insects?, Do you think watching TV is healthy for the mind?, Do you think lockdowns have been detrimental in the fight against Corona? , Do you think there should be a wage cap on how much people can earn?, If you hadn.t been born in Spain, what other country would you have chosen and why?, Some people say we haven´t been to the moon, what are your views?, If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?, Do you think you should have the choice to body autonomy ?, Do you think there is too much violence on TV?, Many people say that putting pineapple on pizza is a crime, what do you think?, Do you think there is life after death?, Do you think ghosts and the paranormal realm exists or just in Hollywood?, What is your opinion of Spain/Galicia changing its time zone to be in line with Portugal and the U.K?.

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