1) What part of the whole is colored? a) b) c) 2) What part of the whole is colored? a) b) c) 3) What part of the whole is colored? a) b) c) 4) What part of the whole is colored? a) three-sevenths b) four-sevenths c) three-sixths 5) What part of the whole is colored? a) nine-ninths b) nine-tenths c) nine-eighths 6) What part of the set is colored? a) b) c) 7) What part of the set is colored? a) b) c) 8) What part of the set is colored? a) b) c) 9) What part of the set is colored? a) four-fifths b) four-sixths c) five-sixths 10) What part of the set is colored? a) one-eighth b) three-eighths c) two-eighths



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