Genocide - The attempt to eliminate entire peoples or religious or ethnic groups, Ten million  - The amount of men, women and children who have lost their lives to genocide, Dehumanisation - Treating people as though they were somehow less than human, 9.7 million - The number of Native American that died to to European expansion in the 18th and early 19th centuries, The Armenians - The Turkish Government attempted to demolish all traces of these peoples culture, 1.7 - 3 million - The amount of Cambodians that were killed in the Cambodian Genocide from 1975-79, Khmer Rouge - The people behind the Cambodian Genocide, 6 million - The amount of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust, 400 - The amount of ghettos established by the Nazi's, Ghetto - Part of a city where a minority group lives, due to social, legal or economic pressure, 1942 - The year the Nazi's formulated the Final Solution, 1933 - The year the first concentration camp was used by the Germans, Arbeit macht frei - Work makes one free, the sign over Auschwitz, Zyklon B and carbon monoxide - The gasses used to kill Jews in the concentration camps, 20,000 - The amount of concentration camps that had been built by the Nazi's in 1945, 2 hours - The amount of time it took to agree on the Final Solution,

Chapter 28: Genocide


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