1) The queen lives in a ... a) palace b) tent c) residence of halls 2) John helped me put the ... up. a) tent b) house 3) Susan lives in a block of ... a) flats b) cottages 4) On holiday they stayed in a five-star ... a) hotel b) house c) stadium 5) You must get ... to have a party. a) register b) permission 6) She likes to walk .... in the park, without her shoes. a) outdoor b) barefoot 7) Don't forget to ... your guests at reception desk. a) register b) take c) book 8) Students always look stressed during the ... period. a) exam b) holiday c) festival 9) You ... pay your rent every month. Thet's the rule. a) can't b) must c) needn't 10) You ... have a party here. It's not allowed. a) can't b) must c) have to 11) Why don't we have a nice meal at a ... tonight? a) stadium b) gallery c) restaurant 12) Tanya likes exercising at the ... a) gym b) centre c) theatre 13) There's a new Hockney painting at the art ... . a) gallery b) shop c) zoo 14) I must return this book to the ... . a) cinema b) library c) aquarium 15) Let's go and see the animals in the ... . a) stadium b) department store c) zoo 16) They are having a picnic in the ... . a) theatre b) park c) swimming pool 17) That is the ... tree in the forest. a) taller b) tallest 18) I think she is ... beautiful than her sister. a) more b) the most 19) Let's ... a picnic! a) have b) eat c) make 20) Desmond is the ... musician in the world. a) worse b) worst 21) We pay our ... at the beginning of the month. a) house b) rent 22) You must follow the .... a) room b) rules c) grounds 23) Her ... is 27 Bridge Street, Clapham. a) address b) date c) surname 24) My .... number is 01484 657 239 a) birth b) expiry c) phone 25) We don't have to wear a ... at our school. a) shoes b) uniform 26) I like to wake ... early in the morning. a) down b) up 27) You needn't make your ... . a) bed b) homework 28) We needn't ... any cooking. a) do b) make 29) Please keep the house ... a) clean b) dirty c) tall 30) Do I have to ... my clothes. a) cook b) wash c) fry

Spotlight 6 Module 8


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