Correct: 狼wolf, 放羊tend the flock, 干活儿work, 捉弄to tease, 别人other people, 喊shout, 故意on purpose, 立刻at once, 根本at all, 撒谎to tell lies, 欺骗to cheat, 结果as a result, 理pay attention to, 许多many, 从前once upon a time, 大声loud voice, Incorrect: 狼Leopard, 放羊put, 干活儿write, 捉弄catch, 别人other place, 喊speak, 故意mean, 立刻carve, 根本root, 撒谎to tell the truth, 欺骗chating, 结果fruit, 理reason, 许多less, 从前front, 大声laughing,

第十二课 课文 狼来了 生词 game 2


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