<br> - This tag is used to insert a page break and is never allowed to have a closing tag., <a> - This tag can be included to link one pages to another on a webpage and must include an href attribute to establish a link's destination. , <div> - This tag designates divisions or sections of HTML elements, and establishes specific and large groups, which can be uniquely style with CSS or perform certain tasks using JavaScript., <span> - This tag can be used to group inline elements in an HTML document and focuses on grouping small chunks of HTML within a line., <img> - This tag defines images on an HTML page and must have an src attribute that holds the URL of an image., <script> - JavaScript commands can be coded in HTML by using this tag and can physically contain JavaScript statements or it can lead to an external JavaScript coding file. can physically contain JavaScript statements or it can lead to an external JavaScript coding file., <link> - This tag can be included to connect a file to an external resource and is most frequently used to link to a style sheet., <input> - This tag specifies fields where users can enter information. Examples of this tag include: button, text, number, checkbox, etc, <p> - Developers can insert paragraphs with this tag and is used to create blocks of text on a webpage, <h1> - This tag is used to identify the largest heading and can vary in size based on the number included., <h6> - This tag is used to create the smallest heading and can vary in size based on the number included., <nav> - This tag contains a set of navigation links for a website Examples of instances where this tag may be applied are: tables of contents, menus, and indexes.,




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