Consciousness - the awareness of internal and external stimuli, Normal waking consciousness - the state of being awake and aware of internal and external stimuli, Induced altered state - type of altered state of consciousness that occurs due to a purposeful action, EEG - device that detects, amplifies and records electrical activity in the brain, EMG - device that detects, amplifies and records the electrical activity in muscles, EOG - a device that detects, amplifies and records the electrical activity of the muscles that move the eyes, Cognitive task - a form of testing that measures some aspect/s of a person’s thought processes., Frequency - how many brain waves there are per second., Amplitude - intensity of the electric current in the brain (height of waves), Circadian Rhythms - occur in 24 hour cycles, eg the sleep/wake cycle, Sleep cycle - a proportion of the full period of time that a person spends asleep. Average is 90mins, Sleep deprivation - inadequate duration, or poor quality of sleep, Amplified emotional response - disproportionate emotional reactions in response to an event or stimuli, Cognition - the ways individuals process and understand information from the world., Circadian rhythm phase disorders - sleep disorders that interfere with an individual’s circadian rhythm., Melatonin - a sleep-inducing hormone, Bright Light therapy - A form of therapy used to adjust the sleep-wake cycle through exposure to a light source., Affect - The expression of emotions, 0.10 - The BAC equivelent to 24 hours sleep deprivation, 0.05 - The BAC equivelent to 17 hours sleep deprivation, Suprachiasmatic nucleus - area of the brain’s that regulates the timing and activity of the sleep–wake cycle, Ultradian rhythm - a biological rhythm shorter than 24 hours, Zeitgeber - An environmental time cue, Sleep hygiene - practices that tend to improve and maintain good sleep and full daytime alertness, Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) - Condition in which the major sleep episode is delayed in relation to the desired sleep time, Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder (ASPD) - sleep diCondition where a person falls asleep and wakes up at an earlier time compared to desired or conventional sleep times,

Unit 4, AoS 1 VCE Psychology


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