waken, instead of /w/ say /t/ - taken, lady, instead of /l/ say /sh/ - shady, vein, instead of /n/ say /l/ - veil, heir, instead of /h/ say /th/ - their, rein, instead of /r/ say /v/ - vein, base, instead of /b/ say /c/ - case, plane, instead of /pl/ say /c/ - came, wade, instead of /d/ say /k/ - wake, tame, instead of /m/ say /l/ - tale, wait, instead of /t/ say /st/ - waist, maid, instead of /d/ say /l/ - mail, steak, instead of /st/ say /br/ - break, wear, instead of /w/ say /b/ - bear, pear, instead of /p/ say /w/ - wear, play, instead of /pl/ say /st/ - stay, relay, instead of /l/ say /p/ - repay, tray, instead of /t/ say /g/ - gray, they, instead of /th/ say /wh/ - whey, hey, instead of /h/ say /th/ - they, neigh, instead of /n/ say /sl/ - sleigh, freight, instead of /fr/ say /w/ - weight, weight, don't say /w/ - eight, great, don't say /gr/ - ate,

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