When was the last time your face turned beet red? What happened?, How easy was it for you to get black and blue as a kid?, Have you ever blacked out? What happened?, Does your family have a black sheep?, How different would your life be if you had been born with a silver spoon in your mouth?, As a kid, were you ever caught red-handed? What were you doing?, Were you ever green with envy over something a friend or a relative had or experienced?, Do you think you have a green thumb or isn't gardening really your thing?, Have you ever been disappointed at a relation that, in a moment of rage, showed her or his true colours?, Has the pandemic affected your morale as to the point of making you have the blues? How did you get out of this unpleasant frame of mind?, How well do you deal with things that happen out of the blue? , How do you feel when you're left out in the dark?, What makes you see red? When was the last time it happened?, What happens once in a blue moon in your relationship that you would like to experience more often?, Has anyone ever rolled out the red carpet for you? When was it? What was the occasion?, When was the last time you were tickled pink? What made you feel so?, What is one subject you would always pass with flying colours?, How do you see the red tape in your work? Do you think bureaucracy is always really necessary or does it just hamper the processes and delay the action?.


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