1) What is your name? a) My Name is Markonah b) I live in Tarakan c) I'm from Tarakan d) Nice to meet you 2) Where do you live? a) My Name is Markonah b) I live in Tarakan c) I'm from Tarakan d) Nice to meet you 3) Where are you from? a) My Name is Markonah b) I live in Tarakan c) I'm from Tarakan d) Nice to meet you 4) Let me introduce myself. I . . . . Pevita Pearce a) Is b) are c) be d) am 5) I want to intoduce my brother to you. He . . . . Paijo a) Is b) are c) be d) am 6) My father and my mother . . . . farmers. They work in the rice field. a) Is b) are c) be d) am 7) I am Aisyah. I live . . . . Wonosegoro Bandar. a) on b) in c) at d) of 8) Fatimah lives . . . . Jalan Gajah Mada Batang a) on b) in c) at d) of 9) Toni and Tina live . . . . Jalan Garuda No. 123 Pekalongan. a) on b) in c) at d) of 10) Toni likes eating fish. _____ always eats fish everyday. a) It b) They c) She d) He 11) Zahra's favourite colour is pink. _______ has two pink bags. a) He b) She c) It d) You 12) Uncle Joni and Aunt Tiara loves cooking. _____ are both chefs. a) They b) We c) You d) I 13) My father and I have the same hobbies. ______ like fishing a) They b) We c) He d) She 14) What is _______ name? a) His b) Her c) Your d) My 15) I have a cat. _____ cat is cute. a) His b) Her c) Your d) My 16) Azizah has a new bicycle. ______ bicycle is nice. a) Her b) His c) Our d) Their 17) Do they bring ______ laptops? Yes, they do. a) Their b) Our c) Its d) Her 18) We love Indonesia. _______ flag colour is red and white. a) Their b) Our c) His d) your 19) Ali is my best friend. I always go to school with ... a) You b) Me c) Him d) Her 20) My mother often accompanies _____ to the market. There, I buy some food and drink. a) Me b) You c) Them d) Us 21) Dina has two best friends. They are Slamet and Siti. She often goes out with ______ a) Us b) Them c) Her d) Him 22) Aunt Tina and I like shopping. We often go to a supermarket together. The taxi usually waits for _______ and goes straight to the supermarket. a) Her b) Him c) Them d) Us 23) Dea, Putri and Salsa are my classmates. _____ are beautiful and kind hearted. I like them. a) Them b) Their c) They d) We 24) Budi has a hamster. _____ is cute and funny. a) It b) They c) He d) She 25) The rainbow has three main colours. They are red, yellow and green. I like to see _____ when there is a rain and a sunshine. a) Its b) Them c) It d) Him

Introduction: To be, Preposition of place, Personal Pronoun, hobbies, Colours, Kelas VII Bahasa inggris


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