1) I .......................... see the Pyramids than visit the British Museum. a) would rather b) prefer 2) I .................. doing paragliding to skydiving because it looks easier. a) prefer  b) would rather  3) I ........................... doing hiking ........... riding a bicycle in the forest.  a) would rather / than b) prefer / to 4) I ........................ go rafting ......... do canoeing in the ocean. a) would rather / than b) prefer / to 5) I prefer ............. scuba diving ........ doing highlining. a) going / to b) go / than 6) I would rather .............. photographs of bikers ......... ride a bicycle in a mountain. a) take / than b) taking / to 7) I ............................. fly in hot-air balloon .......... watch whales in the aquarium. a) prefer / to b) would rather / than 8) I .................. going on a safari tour in the desert ......... doing kitesurfing in the ocean. a) would rather / than b) prefer / to

prefer - would rather


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