1) 8:15 a) a quarter past eight b) a quarter to eight c) half past eight d) half past nine 2) 3:45 a) a quarter past three b) a quarter to four c) half past four d) a quarter to three 3) 10:30 a) a quarter past ten b) a quarter to nine c) half past ten d) half past eleven 4) за столом - ... the table a) at b) in c) on d) under 5) на картинке - ... the picture a) in front of b) in c) above d) between 6) на полу - ... the floor a) beside b) at c) in d) on 7) справа - ... the right a) at b) in c) on d) below 8) между стульями - ... the chairs a) between b) under c) above d) on 9) под книгой - ... the book a) in b) over c) in front of d) under 10) напротив дома - ... the house a) below b) opposite c) between d) at 11) рядом с вами - ... you a) on b) beside c) between d) under 12) Russia - ... a) Ruske b) Russina c) Rossianin d) Russian 13) France - ... a) Franch b) French c) Fronch d) Frinch 14) Britain - ... a) Britsh b) Britainish c) British d) Biritainish 15) Japan - ... a) Japanan b) Japanese c) Japanesish d) Japench 16) the USA - ... a) Americese b) USAnish c) USAnch d) American 17) China - ... a) Chinash b) Chinese c) Chinench d) Chinanin 18) Italy - ... a) Italese b) Italianch c) Italian d) Italisish 19) England - ... a) English b) Englandish c) Englench d) Englandese 20) Scotland - ... a) Shotlandec b) Scotlandish c) Scotlench d) Scottish 21) Сколько воды? - ... water? a) How many b) How much c) How a lot of d) How a little 22) купить немного риса - buy ... rice a) some b) any c) lots of d) much 23) Он совершил ошибки? Did he make ... mistakes? a) many b) some c) a little d) any 24) немного книг - ... books a) a little b) a few c) few d) little 25) мало яблок - ... apples a) a few b) little c) few d) a little 26) немного перца - ... pepper a) a little b) few c) little d) a few 27) мало соли - ... salt a) a few b) little c) much d) few 28) Можно мне молока? - Can I have ... milk? a) much b) any c) some d) a few 29) Сколько учебников? - ... textbooks? a) How many b) How much c) How about d) How a little 30) They won't take ... pictures. a) little b) some c) much d) any 31) Ежедневные действия, регулярные события a) Past Simple b) Present Simple c) Future Simple d) Present Continuous 32) Событие в прошлом a) Present Continuous b) Present Simple c) Future Simple d) Past Simple 33) Возможное событие в будущем a) Future Simple b) Present Simple c) Past Simple d) Present Continuous 34) Действие происходит в данный момент a) Past Simple b) Present Simple c) Present Continuous d) Future Simple 35) Запланированное событие в будущем a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous c) Past Simple d) Future Simple 36) I am hungry. a) Future Simple b) Present Continuous c) Past Simple d) Present Simple 37) I'm eating an ice cream! a) Present Continuous b) Present Simple c) Past Simple d) Future Simple 38) Will Kate invite us? a) Past Simple b) Future Simple c) Present Continuous d) Present Simple 39) John didn't put on a scarf. a) Future Simple b) Present Continuous c) Past Simple d) Present Simple 40) Does she like hiking? a) Future Simple b) Past Simple c) Present Simple d) Present Continuous 41) What are you doing here? a) Past Simple b) Future Simple c) Present Simple d) Present Continuous 42) What time is Laura leaving? a) Future Simple b) Past Simple c) Present Continuous d) Present Simple 43) Our friends bought a new car. a) Past Simple b) Future Simple c) Present Continuous d) Present Simple 44) I'll buy a new car. a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous c) Past Simple d) Future Simple 45) Steve wasn't with us. a) Present Continuous b) Present Simple c) Past Simple d) Future Simple 46) Ты видел этот фильм? a) Did you see this movie? b) Do you see this movie? c) Will you see this movie? d) Are you eating my popcorn?! 47) Я не сплю. a) I doesn't sleep. b) I didn't sleep. c) I'm not sleeping. d) I won't sleep. 48) Мы пойдем в парк. a) We will go to the park. b) We went to the park. c) We go to the park. d) We sleep in the park. 49) Почему она плачет? a) Why did she cry? b) Why is she crying? c) Why does she crying? d) Why will she cry? 50) Ты очень умный. a) You will be very clever. b) You is very clever. c) You were very clever. d) You are very clever. 51) Рик любит макароны. a) Rick'll likes pasta. b) Rick like pasta. c) Rick liked pasta. d) Rick likes pasta. 52) тот стул a) that chair b) this chair c) these chair d) those chair 53) эта бабочка a) these butterfly b) this butterfly c) that butterfly d) those butterfly 54) эти апельсины a) this oranges b) those oranges c) these oranges d) that oranges 55) те книги a) that books b) these books c) this books d) those books 56) This is ... camera. I bought it. a) my b) mine c) I d) him 57) This is her car. It's ... . a) her b) hers c) she d) shes 58) Bill is Tom's friend. Bill is ... friend. a) her b) him c) his d) he 59) Helen has got a dog. It's ... dog. a) s'Helen b) Helens' c) Helen d) Helen's 60) The toys are those ... . a) children's b) childrens' c) s'children d) 'schildren 61) It's my ball. This ball is ... . a) my b) mine c) me d) her 62) Take this bag. It's ... . a) my b) your c) yours d) me 63) It's ... house. It's ours. a) our's b) ours c) our' d) our 64) Is that ... boat? a) Linda and Mark's b) Linda's and Mark c) Linda's and Mark's d) Linda and Mark 65) велосипед этих мальчиков a) these boys bike's b) these boy's bike c) these boys' bike d) these bike's boys 66) Whose cup is this? a) It's my. b) It's him. c) It's me. d) It's his. 67) We built this house. a) It's ours. b) It's our. c) It's your. d) It's they. 68) It's ... shop. It's theirs. a) theirs b) they c) their d) them 69) Do you like your hat? a) No, I doesn't. b) No, I don't. c) No, I didn't. d) No, I won't. 70) Will Tom help us? a) Yes, he did. b) Yes, he do. c) Yes, he will. d) Yes, he does.

Entry Test - 6 - preparation


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