What is your name? (individual-10 seconds), How do you spell your surname? (individual- 15 seconds), What do you do in your free time? (individual-15 seconds), How do you get to school? (individual-15 seconds), Tell us about the people you live with (individual-15 seconds), This photograph shows people at a party. Talk about it (individual-1 minute), This photograph shows people learning a language. Talk about it (individual-1 minute), This photograph shows people doing social work. Talk about it. (individual-1 minute), This photograph shows people travelling. Talk about it (individual-1minute), A group of young people are visiting the city for a day. Here are some ways to move around the city. Talk about them and say which would be the most convenient. (pairs-2 minutes), A young woman is travelling next week. She can't pack everything she wants. Here are some items. Say what she should take. (pairs-2 minutes), It is your cousin's birthday. Here are some ideas for a present. What should you buy? (pairs-2 minutes).

B1 Speaking Cards



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