Atman - The name for the soul in Hinduism. , Aum - The symbol used to represent Hinduism. It is also used as a symbol for Brahman., Brahman - The 'Great Power' or 'Supreme Being'. This is the Hindu concept of God., Caste System - The system that divides Hindu society into different groups, each with different duties to perform., Dharma - The duties that Hindus believe they must perform. , Karma - Means 'action': the actions you choose, either good or bad, determine what your next life will be., Moksha - Release from the life cycle, when the atman is reunited with Brahman., Murti - An image of one of the different god or goddesses in Hinduism used in worship., Puja - The Hindu name for worship. This can happen at a shrine in the home or in the temple., Reincarnation - The soul is reborn into a new body each lifetime., Samsara - The cycle of life: birth, death and rebirth., Sanskrit - The ancient language contained within the holy texts., Trimurti - Three of the most important gods in Hinduism - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva., Varanasi - An important pilgrimage site on the banks of the River Ganges in India., Vedas - The most important of the Hindu holy books. ,


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