Holly's crying. Perhaps she's had an argument with her boyfriend. She ..., I'm sure Ben has read my email. I sent it first thing this morning. Ben ..., I'm sure Sam and Ginny haven't got lost. They have satnav in their car. Sam and Ginny ..., You saw Ellie yesterday? That's impossible. She was in bed with flu. You ..., Perhaps John didn't see you. That's why he didn't say hello. John ..., I'm sure Lucy has bought a new car. I saw her driving a blue VW Golf! Lucy ..., I'm sure Alex wasn't very ill. He was only off work for one day. Alex ..., They didn't come to our wedding. Maybe they didn't receive the invitation. They ..., This tastes very sweet. I'm sure you used too much sugar. You ..., It definitely wasn't my phone that rang in the cinema. Mine was on silent. It ....

Past modals



Nasumične karte je otvoreni šablon. On ne generiše rezultate za tabelu rangiranja.

Vizuelni stil


Promeni šablon

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