Simile - Comparing using 'like' or 'as', Alliteration - Words with the same letter or sound, Metaphor - To transfer meaning from on thing to another, Adjective - A descriptive word, Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like the noise it makes, Adverb - Tells us what the verb is doing , Antithesis - Sentences with opposite meaning, Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds, Caesura - A break in a poetic line, Connotation - Association beyond literal meaning , Denotation - The literal meaning of a word, Foreshadowing - A hint that sets the stage for a story, Hyperbole - To over exaggerate or emphasise, Imagery - Words used to create a 'mental image', Juxtaposition - Comparative ideas used in parallel , Patheticfallacy - Human feelings reflected in nature, Stanza - A poetic verse , Syntax - The layout of a sentence,

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