1) Jesteś szczęśliwa, nieprawdaż? a) You are happy, aren't you? b) You are happy, are you? c) You are happy, you are? d) You are happy, you aren't? 2) Idziemy na spacer, nieprawdaż? a) We are going for a walk, don't we? b) We are going for a walk, aren't we? c) We are going for a walk, we are? d) We are going for a walk, do we? 3) Ania i Jane nie jadły wczoraj obiadu, prawda? a) Ann and Jane didn't eat dinner yesterday, eat they? b) Ann and Jane didn't eat dinner yesterday, didn't they? c) Ann and Jane didn't eat dinner yesterday, did they? d) Ann and Jane didn't eat dinner yesterday, they eat? 4) Jej mąż często kupuje jej kwiaty, nieprawdaż? a) Her husband often buys her flowers, do he? b) Her husband often buys her flowers, isn't he? c) Her husband often buys her flowers, he doesn't? d) Her husband often buys her flowers, doesn't he? 5) Oglądaliśmy ten film dwa dni temu, nieprawdaż? a) We watched this film 2 days ago, didn't we? b) We watched this film 2 days ago, did we? c) We watched this film 2 days ago, we did? d) We watched this film 2 days ago, don't we? 6) Nie lubisz mnie, prawda? a) You don't like me, are you? b) You don't like me, do you? c) You don't like me, you don't? d) You don't like me, you do? 7) Kasia nie rozmawia w tej chwili ze swoją siostrą, prawda? a) Kate isn't talking to her sister, isn't she? b) Kate isn't talking to her sister, does she? c) Kate isn't talking to her sister, is she? d) Kate isn't talking to her sister, she is? 8) Oni nie są jej rodzicami, prawda? a) They are not her parents, do they? b) They are not her parents, aren't they? c) They are not her parents, don't they? d) They are not her parents, are they? 9) Mary, byłaś w zeszłym roku w Anglii, prawda? a) Mary, you were in England last year, do you? b) Mary, you were in England last year, weren't you? c) Mary, you were in England last year, was you? d) Mary, you were in England last year, did you? 10) Mary była w zeszłym roku w Anglii, nieprawdaż? a) Mary was in England last year, wasn't she? b) Mary was in England last year, were she? c) Mary was in England last year, was she? d) Mary was in England last year, didn't she?

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