ADHD - What disorder had the kids included in Klingberg study?, meta-analysis - There were authors that criticised the results of Klingberg's study, by questioning the generalizability of results to other cognitive tasks. These authors did this by conducting a ......, literature review - Simons et al. conducted a..........(type of study, 2 words), transferability - Simons et al. acknowledged that video games improve kids' scores on just the tasks they were trained on. This means that videogames have other areas. , neuroplasticity - From a biological point of view, technology was studied in relation to......., a specific ability of the brain, correlational - What research method did Kuhn et al. use?, cortical thickness - Kuhn et al. found a robust positive association between ........ ...... and video games duration, teenagers - What age group was Kuhn et al. study made on?, dorsolateral - Kuhn et al study was focused on the ....... prefrontal cortex. (dlPFC), three - How many conditions did West et al. use in their study?, hippocampus - What part of the brain was investigated in the West et al. study?, Super Mario - The results of the West et al. study found that only the had a significant increase in grey matter in hippocampi, shallow - Regarding the negative effects of technology, maybe because we use laptop in classes might lead to a ...... processing, which affects long-term memory, cognitive offloading - the act of reducing the mental processing requirements of a task through physical actions like writing down is called .... .... , semantic - What type of memory was investigated in Sparrow et al. study on the effects of technology?, thirty - In Sparrow et al.'s study, participants who were told that information will be lost remembered ....% facts than those who thought they will be stored (write in letters), questionnaires - How did Cain et al. collect data from students?, negative - What type of correlation did Cain et al. find between working memory capacity and media usage?, longitudinal - What type of correlational study did Christakis et al. conducted?, attentional - What types of problems were investigated in children in Christakis study?, four - What age did the children in Lillard and Peterson study had? , slow-paced - What type of TV is better for kids' working memory?, anxiety - What mental health problem was investigated in Vytal et al. study?, shock - What is the key term that represents what Vytal et al. used in their study that makes us have ethical considerations concerns? , self-report - What type of questionnaire was used in Weinstein study?, phobias - What other type of anxiety-related disorders was shown VRET to have an effect on, except PTSD?, publication - What type of bias are meta-analyses prone to?,

HL - Technology and cognition


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