How often do you watch TV?, Where do you usually eat lunch?, What time do you usually go to bed?, How many times a day do you brush your teeth?, How often do you swim?, Where do you usually go on holiday?, What is the first thing you usually do when you arrive home?, Where do you usually eat dinner?, How often do you read?, How often do you go to the cinema?, What do you usually eat for breakfast?, What do you usually do in the mornings?, What do you usually do in the evenings?, What do you usually do at the weekends?, What do you do in your free time?, What is your daily routine? (talk for 5 minutes), How many glasses of water do you drink every day?, How many languages do you speak?, How often do you cook?, How often do you play games?, What do you usually eat for lunch?, What do you usually do on Sundays?, ask your partner: What does he/she ALWAYS do when they are happy?, ask your partner: What does he/she NEVER do when they are tired?, ask your partner: What does he/she SOMETIMES do when they are hungry?, ask your partner: What does he/she OFTEN do when they are angry?, ask your partner: What does he/she USUALLY do when it is raining?, ask your partner: co OBVYKLE dělává v 10 hodin večer?, ask your partner: co ZŘÍDKAKDY dělává, když je smutná/ý?, ask your partner: co PŘÍLEŽITOSTNĚ dělává v létě?, ask your partner: co ČASTO dělává, když se nudí?, ask your partner: co SKORO NIKDY/VZÁCNĚ dělává, když je v práci/ve škole?, Do you prefer Christmas, Easter or Halloween? Why?, How do you usually decorate your house or your room?, How often do you sweep the floor?, How often do you dust?, How often do you do the laundry?, How often do you wash the dishes or load the dishwasher?, How often do you iron?, How often do you clean your house or room?, What do you want for Christmas or your birthday?, Do you really hate something or someone? What/who is it?, How often do you vacuum?, Do you excercise? How often and what do you do?, Do you ever listen to the radio?, Do you ever read newspapers?.

Conversation: Present Simple


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