1) What date was the Treaty of Versailles signed? (month and year) a) September 1989 b) June 1919 c) November 1914 2) How big was Germany’s army allowed to be according to the Treaty? a) 100 000 men b) 1000 men c) 10 000 men 3) How many battleships were the Germans allowed (outlined in Treaty) a) 10 b) 6 c) 8 4) What is the word used for the money that Germany had to pay back to the allied countries? a) Corrections b) Tax c) Reparations 5) How much money did they have to pay in pounds (£)? a) 6,6 million b) 6,6 billion c) 6,6 thousand 6) What does the word "Anschluss" mean? a) Friendship between Austria an Germany b) Friendship between Britain and France c) Conflict between Austria and Germany 7) Why did the League of Nations fail? a) According to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was not allowed to join the League of Nations. b) The USSR had a revolution and got rid of their Emperor. They became Communist and weren't allowed to join the League. c) The USA chose not to join the League and the USSR and Germany, were not allowed to join. Without the USA to enforce their decisions- the LON was ineffective. 8) When was the Wall Street Crash? a) October 1918 b) September 1929 c) November 1922 9) How did the Wall Street Crash impact on Germany? a) The USA called in their loans from Germany and Germany's economy crashed. Many people were unemployed and poverty was common. b) Germany had to pay reparations so they were poor. c) Children got rickets because everybody was so poor. The Nazis promised to make Germany great again. 10) What does “Lebensraum” mean?11. a) Germany will be great again. b) Let us expand our borders. c) Living room. 11) What date did Hitler become chancellor? (month/year) a) December 1929 b) January 1933 c) October 1931 12) What does the word “Appeasement” mean? a) Britain and France thought that Hitler could be controlled so they let him take over Poland. b) Britain and France tried to avoid war by giving Hitler what he wanted c) Britain and France wanted to avoid another war, so the said that Hitler didn't need to pay reparations anymore. 13) What was the event which triggered the start of WWII? a) Invading the Rhineland b) Taking over Czechoslovakia c) Invading Poland


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