1) Past Simple: We________(explore) the jungle. a) exploring b) explored c) explores d) are exploring e) are explore f) are explored 2) Which of these words is a journey? a) annoyed b) dram come true c) explore d) irritable e) bus f) train 3) Past Simple: ______he _____(reach) his destination? a) Does/reach b) Does/reaching c) Does/reaches d) Do/reach e) Did/ reach f) Are reached 4) Which of these words is a feeling? a) run out of b) thrilled c) uped d) journey e) upsed f) upset 5) Used to: People________(travel) more by train. a) use b) used to c) to d) to use e) are using f) are used 6) Which of these words is a feeling? a) upsed/feel lonely b) thrilled/set off c) on the way/explore d) on the way/ enthusiastic e) cheerful/upset f) annoyed/explore 7) Past Continuous The penguin______(looking) for food. a) was loking b) were looking c) was looking d) is looking e) is look f) was look 8) Pat Simple: We _____ (study) last week. a) is studied b) are studied c) are studying d) studied e) is studying f) study 9) Used to:  They ________ (not do) te homework. a) didn't use to do b) did use to do c) didn't used to do d) didn't do e) didn't used to f) not do 10) Which of these words is a journey? a) irritable/journey b) upset/happy c) ride a bike d) do the homework e) set off/overcame obstacles f) study 11) Which of these words is a achievement? a) happy b) cry c) save the enviroment d) table e) camping f) rock climbing 12) Which of these words is a activity? a) run out of money b) act in a play c) represent his/her country d) have a shower e) take a shower f) tentp 13) Present Perfect Simple: This singer __________ (compose) many songs. a) has compossed b) compose c) have compose d) is composing e) has composed f) are compose 14) Present Perfet Simpe: I__________(not make) pottery yet. a) not made b) haven't make c) aren't making d) haven't made e) made f) didn't make 15) Hav they earned money for many years? a) Yes, they have/ No, they haven't b) Yes, they is/No, they isn't c) Yes, they have/ Now, they haven't d) Yes, they are/ No, they aren't e) Yes, they has/ No, they hasn't f) Yes, he have/ No, he haven't 16) Which of these words is a achievement? a) laugh b) direct a film c) windsurfing d) coanoeing e) cry f) compose songs 17) Which of these words is a activity? a) do charity work b) designing fashion accessories c) desingnining fashion accessories d) wall e) donate money f) grass 18) Present Perfect Simple/Past Simple: These stars______ (donate) lot of money to charity. Aimi_____(join) in 2011. a) donated/have joined b) donated/joined c) have donated/have joined d) have donated/joined e) have donated/joyned f) has donated/joined 19) Which of these words is a activity? a) do homework b) do charity work c) study computer animation d) lips e) hands f) compse songs 20) Which of these words is a achievement? a) make a significant contribution b) surfing c) camping d) direct a film e) archery f) make a significant contribootion 21) Which of these words is a travel item ? a) hugry b) money belt c) hire a car d) hunger e) take a tour f) travel on business 22) Which of these words is a travel? a) suitcase b) hiri a car c) haire a car d) toiletries e) guidebook f) hire a car 23) Which of these words is a travel item? a) energetic b) go sightseing c) donate money d) save the environment e) go sightseeing f) save the environmment 24) Which of these words is a vocabulary of travel? a) book a tichket online b) book a ticket online c) book a ticket onlini d) toiletris e) tent f) toiletries 25) Which of these words is a travel item ? a) luggace allowance b) lugage allowance c) hire a car d) luggage allowance e) take a tour f) take a tor 26) Be going to:  We ___________(check) the weather forecast tomorrow morining. a) going to check b) be going to check c) are going to chek d) are going to check e) checked f) cheks 27) Future continuous: We_____(visit) Buckingham Palace next week. a) visiting b) will be visiting c) visited d) visitet e) are visiting f) visit 28) Will: You______(have) a lot of fun. a) will havve b) wil have c) will haved d) will having e) have f) will have 29) Be going to : _____you_____(book) your flights next week? a) are / going to book b) aren't/going to book c) Are/going to book d) is /going to book e) is /going to bok f) isn't/going to book 30) Present Simple with future meanings: The train______(leave) tomorrow morning at 7:00. a) is living b) will leave c) will leaves d) leaved e) leaves f) leave

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