1) Look at the clouds! It... a) is going to rain b) will rain c) isn´t going to rain 2) There´s a noise at the door.That ........... a) is going to be the postman b) will be the postman c) isn´t the postman 3) I............ the car this afternoon. I promised dad a) am going to wash b) will wash c) am washing 4) It´s 12:00pm, I think I..........to bed now. a) won´t go b) will go c) am going to 5) Oh No! Look !That boy ..........off the ladder. a) is going to fall  b) will fall c) will falling 6) There is a very strong wind and look at the sky!There ......................a storm! a) will be b) is going to be c) won´t be  7) Sally can drive now, their parents .................her a motorbike a) will buy b) are going to by c) won´t by

Quiz future: Will vs Going to


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