When traveling, is it better to book accommodation in advance or leave it to the last minute?, What factors do you consider when choosing a bed and breakfast hotel?, Have you ever forgotten to pack something important in your luggage while traveling?, Do you prefer to eat out at local restaurants or cook your own meals when on vacation?, What amenities do you look for in a hotel room, such as air conditioning or an iron?, How far do you usually prefer to stay from the nearest attractions when booking accommodation?, What is the difference between a double room and a twin room in terms of bedding arrangements?, Have you ever stayed in a single room during your travels? How did you find the experience?, How do you usually exchange currency when traveling to a foreign country?, Do you consider air conditioning a necessity when booking accommodation during hot weather?, What is your preferred time for check-in and check-out at hotels?, How far in advance do you typically make a reservation for your accommodations?, Have you ever experienced a three-course meal during your travels? What was your favorite dish?, Do you usually tip when dining out in restaurants while traveling?, What is your go-to order for a mixed salad when eating out?, Do you prefer still water or sparkling water when dining at restaurants?, Have you ever ordered food for take away while traveling? What was your favorite dish?, Have you ever had to heat up food in your hotel room during your travels?, Do you think it's important for restaurants to provide napkins with meals?, Have you ever visited a mosque, cathedral, temple, or castle? Which one was your favorite?, When you go sightseeing, do you prefer to have a guided tour or explore on your own?, How much time do you usually spend having a look around at each attraction when traveling?, What is the most memorable tourist attraction you have visited? Why did it leave an impression on you?, Do you always remember to apply sun cream when spending time outdoors during your travels?, Have you ever experienced sunburn while on vacation? How did you deal with it?, Have you ever taken a ferry to reach your travel destination? How was the experience?, Have you ever felt seasick while traveling by boat or ferry? How did you cope with it?, How do you feel when you arrive at your travel destination? Are you excited or relieved?, What customs or traditions of a foreign country have you found interesting or surprising?, What is your dream travel destination and why?.

Travelling speaking


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