1) What do you think is the most ___________ sport to watch? a) exciting b) excited 2) What's the most __________ scenery you've ever seen? a) amazing b) amazed 3) What music do you listen to if you feel __________? a) depressing b) depressed 4) Have you ever been ___________ by a birthday present? a) disappointing b) disappointed 5) Which do you find more _______, speaking English or listening to English? a) tired b) tiring 6) What's the most ___________ thing that's ever happened to you? a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 7) Are you _________ of heights? a) frightened b) frightening 8) Do you feel very __________ in the morning? a) tired b) tiring 9) Who's the most _________ person you know? a) bored b) boring 10) Do you ever get _________ by technology? a) frustrated b) frustrating

Adjectives: -ed & -ing - Unit 4A


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