density - The mass of an object divided by its volume gives you this quantity, kilogram - The base unit of mass, expanded - When an object is heated and the particles move apart from each other, the object has done this, float - If a solid is less dense than water, it will ______ on the water, conduction - The transfer of heat energy in solids, gas - The state of matter with the lowest density, cylinder - Piece of equipment used to determine the volume of a liquid – a measuring ________, height - The volume of a regular solid can be found by multiplying its length by its breadth by its ________, thermometer - Piece of equipment used to measure the temperature of an object, radiation - Heat energy travels to the Earth from the Sun by this method of transfer, light - The type of colours that reflect most heat energy, less - In a fluid, convection happens when heat energy is added, the fluid becomes ______ dense and rises,

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