Diffusion - Movement from High to Low concentration, Passive Transport - Movement from High to Low concentration, Active Transport - Movement from Low to High concentration, Proteins in Cell Membrane - Can pump from Low to High concentration, Concertation Gradient - Difference between high and low concentration, High Concentration Gradient - Large difference b/w high & low, Low Concentration Gradient - Small difference b/w high & low, Osmosis - WATER moves from high to Low concentration, Turgor - Cell swells due to inward osmosis, Plasmolysis - Cell shrivels due to outward osmosis, Equilibrium - Equal in concentrations, Isotonic Solution - Equal concentration, Hypertonic Solution - Lower concentration of water, causes plasmolysis (shrivels), Hypotonic Solution - Higher concentration of water, causes turgor(swells), Kinetic Energy - Energy of Motion, causes all molecules to move in matter, Potential Energy - Stored Energy ( usually as a result of position), Solute - thing being dissolved (salt in saltwater), Solvent - thing doing the dissolving (water in saltwater),


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