1) Module 1 Recovery and Resiliency-Most people can be expected to recover from mental health challenges and/or substance use disorders. a) True b) False  2) Which is the following is correct -choose all that apply  a) Resiliency is not an important part of recovery for children.  b) SAMHSA has a working definition of recovery. c) Recovery is self-defined d) In substance use disorders, recovery often includes abstinence. 3) Which is the following is correct -choose all that apply a) It doesn’t matter what we call people. b) Hope is not important to recovery. c) Peer support is one of SAMHSA’s 10 guiding principles. d) The medical model does not always promote recovery. e) Resiliency can be fostered. 4) Which of the following are part of SAMHSA’s four dimensions of recovery? Choose all that apply a) Treatment b) Health c) Abstinence d) Home e) Community 5) What is usually the most important thing a peer can do to inspire hope? Choose only one answer. a) Work with the treatment team b) Share their own story of hope c) Encourage a peer to make specific changes d) Support personal choices 6) SAMHSA’s definition of recovery includes all except: a) Improve their health and wellness b) A process of change c) Strive to reach their full potential d) Is strengths based 7) Module 2 Role of a Peer -Parents of young children under 18 with mental health challenges are “consumers.” a) True b) False  8) Peer supporters only work in hospitals a) True b) False 9) Recovery coaches are a kind of peer support a) True b) False  10) Peer counseling is Medicaid reimbursable for substance use disorders. a) True b) False 11) Where might you find peer supporters employed? Choose all that apply a) Doctor’s Offices b) Hospitals c) PACT Teams d) Crisis Teams 12) Which of the following is NOT a peer support role a) Sharing their story with a provider b) Giving advice about medication c) Sharing their story appropriately d) Discussing recovery with a treatment team e) Helping a person develop friendships 13) Which of the following can peer supports do in a Medicaid agency? Choose all that apply a) Teach community skills b) Assist people who are working toward abstinence/MAT/Harm Reduction goals c) Teach recovery groups such as WRAP d) Help people in crisis 14) Module 3 Self Advocacy -People can learn advocacy skills a) True b) False 15) Steps to skill building a) Define the problem. b) Do research. c) Find a gatekeeper. d) Write a letter. 16) Which of the following is true? a) Usually, the best advocacy starts at the top of an organization. b) A peer can use their own skills and experience in teaching advocacy. c) Advocacy usually involves a legal process. d) Most advocacy can be done without the peer being there. 17) Which of the following is correct? a) How a person advocates depends on their strengths.  b) You cannot have a say with doctors and clinicians. c) Advocacy skills cannot be taught. d) Advocacy steps are the same for everyone. 18) Which of the following is true. Choose all that apply  a) Self-advocacy leads to empowerment. b) A peer supporter can help develop self-advocacy skills. c) Self-advocacy is part of recovery. d) Self-advocacy builds on strengths 19) Module 4 Structure of Behavioral Health Systems- You must have Medicaid to use crisis services in Washington. a) True b) False  20) Which of the following is correct?  a) You can’t do peer support in crisis settings.  b) If you have Medicaid, you can choose a hospital if you tell the crisis worker. c) You must give your permission to be hospitalized.  d) July 2019 became a Medicaid reimbursable service. 21) Integrated managed care is available across Washington state a) True b) False  22) Which of the following is NOT true? a) Children are sometimes hospitalized at Eastern State Hospital. b) Children in crisis are usually best helped in the home environment. c) A person can be detained by a designated mental health 23) Which of the following is true? Select all that a) You must have Medicaid to receive crisis services.  b) Crisis services can be provided in your home. c) Crisis services can be provided through a crisis line. d) Crisis services can be provided by a peer counselor. 24) Which of the following is true? Select all that apply a) Resilience is key to helping children.  b) Resilience comes from strengths. c) Resilience means recovering from negative events. d) Resilience means not going into crisis. 25) Module 5 Introduction to Culture- Spirituality is an important part of recovery for many people. a) True b) False  26) Which of the following is correct? a) We should avoid talking about religion.  b) People of a culture are all alike. c) Culture has nothing to do with behavioral health. d) Spirituality and culture may be important in recovery. 27) Which is the first step in cultural competency a) Learning about other cultures b) Experience working in multicultural settings c) Knowing your own culture d) Meeting others with diverse backgrounds 28) Traditional 12-step programs have a strong spirituality component. a) True b) False  29) Module 6- Movements  AA is a political movement primarily for advocacy a) True b) False 30) Which of the following is correct? a) Asylums emptied partly because of new medications.  b) NAMI is a parent-only network. c) There is no national organization for peer support. d) Washington has a mental health consumer network 31) Which of the following were NOT leaders in early behavioral health change? a) Judi Chamberlain b) Clifford Beers c) Robert Kennedy d) Bill Wilson 32) Which of the following are true? Select all that apply  a) Doctors lead early efforts in forming advocacy groups.  b) There are many advocacy groups in mental health. c) There are a few advocacy groups in substance use disorders. d) Advocacy rarely results in change. 33) NAMI is an organization founded by parents of people with mental health issues. a) True b) False  34) Who founded the early mental health movement a) Disability rights workers b) Parents of those with mental health challenges c) People discharged from asylums d) Robert Kennedy 35) Parent certified peer counselors may be called parent partners. a) True b) False 36) Youth 18-21 may become certified peer counselors a) True b) False 37) Module 7 Ethics and Boundaries I am a peer counselor, I do not have to report child abuse unless I see it at work. a) True b) False 38) If I work at an agency I may only view my peers’ files if it is part of my assignment a) True b) False  39) Which of the following is always considered a vulnerable adult? a) A person with a disability b) An elderly person c) A person with a mental health challenge d) A person who is unable to care for themselves 40) Which of the following would be considered abuse/neglect? a) Physical abuse b) Sexual abuse c) Yelling at a child d) ONLY abuse that leaves a mark e) Emotional abuse f) Lack of medical care 41) You are ethically responsible for following agency rules a) True b) False 42) A parent may look at medical records of their 10-year old child. a) True b) False  43) Which of the following is NOT true? Choose all that apply. a) Reporting inappropriate behavior is part of good ethics.  b) You can date someone you are working with outside of work. c) You can date someone as soon as they finish services. d) You can talk to your supervisor if you develop romantic feelings for a peer. 44) Module 8 Whole Health- Physical health is not important to behavioral health. a) True b) False  45) Which of the following is correct? a) Fresh foods may be hard to find in some neighborhoods.  b) Peer supporters may only work in behavioral health clinics. c) Peers should create exercise plans for others. d) Everyone should join a gym for exercise. 46) Stages of Change check all that apply a) Pre-Contemplation b) Contemplation c) Planning d) Action e) Maintenance 47) People in public mental health system die on average 25 years earlier than those not in the system. a) True b) False  48) Module 9 supporting challenging times- The safety of your peer comes first. a) True b) False  49) Which of the following is correct? a) Crisis may mean different things to different people. b) You don’t need training to work in crisis settings. c) People in crisis are always having difficulty with their medications. d) A peer supporter has the main responsibility for treating people in crisis. 50) Which of the following are correct? Choose all that apply. a) Mental Health Advance Directives are not legally binding.  b) Avoiding crisis is better than treating it. c) Crisis does not have to lead to hospitalization. d) WRAP can help prevent crisis. 51) Which of the following should a peer NOT do if they think someone is suicidal? a) Tell them you don’t want them to commit suicide.  b) Ask them if they are suicidal. c) Call 911. d) Leave them and go get help. 52) Which of the following is true? a) Drugs or alcohol use is not associated with sucide.  b) Talking about suicide makes it more likely. c) Suicide rates are high among the elderly. d) People who have attempted suicide before are not likely to do so again 53) Crisis services are available for everyone in Washington State. a) True b) False 54) Which of the following are important safety rules? Choose all that apply a) Make sure the neighborhood feels safe.  b) Leave any situation that feels personally unsafe.  c) Touching a person gently on the shoulder is appropriate. d) Meet peers in crisis alone. 55) Motivational Interviewers explain changes a person needs to make and creates a change plan. a) True b) False 

Holding the Hope Review Module 1 Recovery and Resiliency


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