resplendent - shining brightly, attractive, magnificent, bundled - tied or rolled up together, citizen - a member of a community, city or state who has rights and responsibilities, dreamers - who who have hopes and dreams for a better life or undocumented immigrants brought to the united states as children, outstretched - stretched out as far as possible, universe - everything that exists in the world, including all the stars and planets, awe - a feeling of respect mixed with fear or wonder, immigrants - people who move to a new country to live, ancestors - people related to you who lived a long time ago, suspicious - showing distrust of someone or something, improbable - not likely to be true, not likely to happen, unimaginable - difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend., resilience - the ability to be happy again after something bad has happened, amor - love, adiós - goodbye, corazón - heart, migrantes - migrants, estación - station, sí - yes, puede - may, can, caminantes - hikers, walkers, lucha - fighter, soñadores - dreamers,

Dreamers Vocabulary Extension Activity


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