1) John 12:1-11 Who is worshiping Jesus? a) The disciples b) Judas c) Mary 2) John 12:1-11 Who is not worshiping Jesus? a) Judas b) The disciples c) Mary and Martha 3) John 12:12-19 What did the people say as Jesus entered Jerusalem? a) It is time for the Passover. b) Hosanna! c) Happy birthday! 4) John 12:12-19 What did the crowd say as they were worshiping Jesus? a) “Why wasn’t this perfume sold?" b) “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” c) “Leave her alone,” 5) John 12:20-29 Who did Philip and Andrew take to meet Jesus? a) Romans b) Pharisees c) Some Greeks 6) John 12:20-29 Jesus said, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." What did this mean? a) Jesus died on the cross, came alive again, and returned to heaven. b) Jesus would be baptized c) Jesus was at a wedding 7) John 12:20-29 - Then a voice came from heaven, ... a) "We would like to see Jesus." b) "Who is the Son of Man?" c) “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” 8) Jesus deserves to be worshipped. True or False? a) True b) False

John Lesson 16: DT/LE Take a Snapshot


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