1. He bridged the music from Classical to Romantic Era by expressing his passion and emotions through his music. - LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, 2. Who composed the Polonaise? - FREDERIC CHOPIN, 3. Who is the most famous violin virtuoso in the world. - NICCOLO PAGANINI, 4. Romantic began but the period was approximately from_____ to 1910. - 1820, 5. Individualism, nationalism, and virtuosity were the characteristics of Romantic Music. - FALSE, 6. He was known as the virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest musician during the Romantic Era. - FRANZ LISZT, 7. A slow Polish Dance in triple time that consists of march or procession. - POLONAISE, 8. A German dance in triple meter - Waltz, 9. A verse form or narrative that is set to music. - Ballade, 10. Musical compositions intended to depict or suggest non-musical incidents, ideas, or images. - Program Music,

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